I hope you are staying safe and well. I want to thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Cities Are Essential. In the past two weeks, we have built a strong coalition to make sure Congress knows that cities are essential to America’s economic recovery.
Over 150 organizations and businesses have joined our national sign on letter to Congress – and there’s still time for others to add their names! We extended our deadline through this weekend, but this is the last chance for your local private sector partners to join before we send it to Congressional leaders next week.
In the newsletter that follows, you will find webinars, resources, tools and stories to help you continue to serve on the frontlines of the pandemic response and recovery. Thank you for all that you do.
Sending you strength,
Joe Buscaino
National League of Cities
President Pro Tempore, Los Angeles City Council
Share Your COVID-19 Story
NLC is working with cities, towns, and villages to help shed light on the impact of COVID-19. We want to hear how your community has been responding to the pandemic. From heroic tales of front-line workers to the financial impact of flattening the curve — please use this form to help us tell your story.
City Projected Revenue Shortfall
$360 billion is what cities are predicted to lose from COVID-19. With this week’s announcement of the HEROES Act – NLC is highlighting our latest state by state analysis research, which is telling the true bipartisan financial reality cities are facing. More information.
Supplies for Communities
NLC has compiled a webpage with organizations providing resources, supplies and materials for local governments and communities in their response to COVID-19. Learn more.
Cities Anticipate $360 Billion Revenue Shortfall
From skyrocketing unemployment, jobless claims and business closures to plummeting consumer spending and income, families and businesses, are burdened with mounting financial insecurity. As local leaders scramble to help their communities face these new economic realities, they are also working to soften the blow to their own budgets. Read more.
Lexington, South Carolina is Essential – and Your Community is Too
Municipal workers are the ones whose jobs are threatened by lean local budgets and falling revenues. Every local elected official is doing what they can to lift up their city or town. We know what citizens need and we are working with everything we’ve got to make sure the American way of life continues. Read more.